Saturday, October 24, 2009

MEA 2009

Anty Randi and Uncle Reed gave me my bday present when I went to G and G's last weekend. It's a Red 4 wheeling jacket to match my Red 4 wheeler. Love it!

Grandma, Grandpa, Me and the kitty. :)


Bobbi said...

You look like such a stud in that jacket!

You better watch out, all the girls will be after you now!

Randi said...

I can't believe you didn't put that goofy picture of me on....I thought for sure you would. You can send it to cousin Sheila if you like. Perhaps she will get a good laugh out of it. It is pretty funny. Talk to you soon. Randi

Connie said...

What an awesome jacket!

And please send that picture of Randi to me. :)

How is Parker doing?

Sheila said...

I LOVE that picture of Parker and you, Randi! I totally think that should be shown to the world! Way funny and cute!

Niiiiiiiiiice jacket, Parker!! You look very cool!!